Wednesday, March 12, 2008


It has been 12 days since I went to court in front of two men who have nothing to do with my child. One was my attorney, that scraped together $1900.00 to pay and the other was the man that contributed his sperm and nothing else to the making of my child. My son is four years old and doesn't know his father, and this was the father's choice, yet every year around the same time he pops up at my house demanding to see his son. And each time, I invite him inside my home. Yet according to him, I argue and do notlet him see his son. My attorney has my notebook that I have kept for five years documenting everything, from handwritten notes telling me to abort 2 weeks before I gave birth, to taped conversations where he tells me that he never wanted this child, to emails saying that I am raping him with child support. He never asks how his son is doing, despite the fact that his son has had 12 surgical procedures in the last four years, and has been diagnosed with autism spectrum disorder. I have held a job throughtout my pregnancy, saved money to stay home for at least 7 months after he was born and maintained a stable home environment. My son recieves the best care possible, he is being educated and has consistency in hislife. From 8mos to 3 yrs he received physical, music, occupational, speech and special instruction therapies. He is still receiving speech. He is sensitive to tempature, some noises, sudden changes, he still wears diapers, he has fits of rage when things are not perfect. I have worked extremely hard tp get him to this point. Now I am suppose to hand him over to a virtual stranger, because his DNA matches.
My attorney, instead of listening and working towards my needs and concerns sided with my son's father, disregarding everything. After 3 hours of "discussing" visitation, where all of my concerns were brushed aside, my son was not only legitimized despite this being used as an attempt at harrassment, but now he has visitation with someone who only has to go to 1 dr/s visit in order to be educated about his condition. Not only was I distraught, but I am now disheartened to know that the law in Georgia favors the fathers "rights" and do not listen to mothers who are genuinely concerned about their children.

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