Monday, October 15, 2007

Why the world has sucked....

I am a feminist. I want to get that straight out of the box. I believe that women should get more pay, more rights, etc. than men. It stands to reason, that as a species, we put up with a whole lot of crap, mainly from men. Which brings me to "why the world sucks".
Every war, skirmish or what have you is because some stupid man got pissed off at another stupid man and decided to start a war. If you look throughout history, men have dominated the world and have caused so many issues and the people who suffered the most are women and children. Case in point, the women and children in Afghanistan, Africa to name a few.
I'm sure there are going to be some idiotic men who are going to read this and think I am a bitter some ways, yes, I am bitter and angry. Angry because my son is going to grow up in a world where men are going to ridicule the fact that his mother is going to teach how to respect a woman in every way that he expects to be treated and respected. I am angry because there may be a time in his lifetime where some stupid man is going to test his masculinity just to prove something. And some politician somewhere will decide that my son needs to fight a war regardless of his convictions. Bitter because I know the reaction I will get once this post is read. Bitter because I can't rant about the injustice of it all and women will still hold back and let men continue to ruin our world and the lives of our children.
I wish women of the world would wake up, band together as a whole, we can be Americans, Russians, Chinese, and so on, it doesn't matter. If any revolution needs to be started it is the revolution of women and we need to take over and make this world better for our children and their children.